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Finding purpose in the season of crazy

The end of the year always seems to get crazy with the holidays. From November till the end of the year it always feels like everyone is trying to jam the last bit of unfinished tasks, holiday parties and memories into the very last bit of the year. And I am not sure about you, but I always feel this pressure of expectation that somehow, I have to make Christmas perfect like some Hallmark movie. Perfect Christmas decor, perfect presents and perfect occasions... and of course the perfect photos to show how perfect everything is. In the overwhelm with everything going on, my usual response is to buckle down, white-knuckle-through and strive harder.

Now I am not saying we shouldn't be trying to have a good time and do things with excellence but, I am starting to wonder if it is worth the loss of every last bit of patience, time, energy, and peace to strive for something that is really an illusion.

The last few years I have felt myself actively pushing back on the commercialism of Christmastime. The overwhelm of perfectionism has left me discontented, especially when I think back to my childhood and the memories that come to mind are never about the presents I got (although, to be honest, I actually don't remember what gifts I got). I don't recall what the Christmas tree looked liked or any of the other commercial trappings of the season. I do remember spending time with family... the grandparents we were visiting, the laughter because my uncle Huub had such a wicked sense of humor. I remember carols by candlelight, the magic of driving to see the Christmas lights downtown and great meals with brilliant conversations. Just simple moments that made lifetime memories.

I remember reading about Mary and Joseph having nowhere to stay, baby Jesus in a manger, the Angels, Shepherds, and Wise men. This year my mind has been re-orienting to the reality that Christmas is meant to be about the biggest, best, most extravagant, and costly gift to the world... Jesus being born so He could die to redeem me from sin and myself. And somehow, as I think on this, the rush and push and pressure of this season seem so insignificant and irrelevant. So, in an effort to keep Jesus central to the next few days I have found a few habits that I am incorporating into my day that have been helpful, and maybe you might find them valuable too....

I’m finding that as I practice the presence of Jesus, even if it is just a few minutes in the morning and then throughout the day, I can literally feel His peace come over my heart. To do this I will say out loud that I release whatever (or whoever) it is I am currently stressing about and then I invite His presence into that area of my life. It has been such a simple but powerful thing to do. I used to feel guilty for not doing anything big or formal for God (all centered on my own performance) but this year He reminded me that He wants to be invited into my day… and this has brought so much hope to my soul in this season.

I have found using the Wild at Heart's Pause App has been soul soothing so, give it try if you need a place to start:

What daily habits do you practice, especially at this time of the year, that bring you peace, reduce stress and give you more life in your walk with Jesus?

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Kirsten Reid
Kirsten Reid
Dec 19, 2023

Amen..just being sensitive for what the Spirit is saying for each moment..and being obedient to that.

Dec 19, 2023
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Absolutely! Being so tuned to the Spirit!

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